A few days ago world anti drug trafficking day was celebrated. The aphorism "curiosity killed the cat" becomes the epitaph for many who take this treacherous path and get lost somewhere.Somewhere some place where we stay in this world but think beyond it. The city's a metro but the spending is at the streets.People are the same but they don't seem to understand.What does it take to get you there?I believe everyone's had his own share of rounds of bout with intoxication. Some get knocked out in the first round itself.They are the lucky ones I must say.They throw in the towel soon.One of the many indiscretions of youth as Mr. Lalit Modi might put it.(just google that if you didn't get it!).The twist in tale comes when you start enjoying the knock out. One keeps fighting round after round anticipating that hit.When it does come it brings out your most humble self.Never felt so ecstatic and helpless at the same time.The mind ceases to wander.It melts away into that zero which adds nothing takes nothing multiplies into nothing neither divides into anything.One wonders the reason behind an increased number who take take this abyssal plunge to oblivion.The irony is that a major part of those affected are "educated" youth often with a sound family and academic upbringing.This is a glaring aberration in the image of an aware and conscious youth that we often perceive of today.This can't be attributed to ignorance or lack of knowledge.The information age has ensured that we stay connected to the outside world irrespective of place and time.It's the connection with the inner world that's suffering the bandwidth constraint. The result is people who are aware of their rights but don't know what is right for them.I do not intend to denounce the curious and adventurous lot.However adventure and curiosity in their true spirit are all pervading in nature.If thrill wisps way with that surreal boom from a bong then definitely there's a dearth of spirit in life.The constant exudation about the things around us has led to a self identity crisis.All are striving to live up to a general standard of perceived well being which is ephemeral for every age group.In this process they stop paying heed to the unique beckoning from the inside.We associate growth with this process that results in a product not a person.The divine spark of the mind can't be extinguished and sadly most of us apply it to a misplaced connotation of rebellion resulting in a detrimental combustion of the self and society.Rebellion today is largely more branded than practised.The rock and roll opiated punks can understand this quite well.I am not deriding the rock stars and their ideas it's only the meteors trailing behind who need a reality check. In such an atmosphere legitimizing the use of drugs for recreational purposes seems the only feasible solution.The Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman advocated for the same cause.
One of his interviews regarding the issue
Legalizing the contraband substances will lessen the thrill and novelty usually associated with them in a way similar to alcohol and tobacco based products.Also it can be safely speculated that the number of addicts and abusers will not increase than the present numbers rather it may decrease besides helping in curb of narco-terrorism. Interestingly recent studies have shown that psilocybin in mushrooms actually makes one more empathetic and medical marijuana is already being marketed in U.S.Another issue that needs to be dealt with is the content of the statuary warnings issued in the interest of citizens of the state.Gory pictures of cancerous lungs will not prevent people from lighting up when students in the 8th standard are driven to suicide owing to the disciplinary actions at school.On the contrary it will ensure a generation of guilt ridden and unhealthy youth by suggesting so to their subconscious minds.Already a compendium of problems-unemployment,socio-psychological tensions,terrorism, environmental damage,recession etc haunt the mind.In such an environment the ubiquitous warning-"Smoking Kills" on the pack prompts a rhetorical question-"But so does life.?".
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
China-An emerging superpower or a nation of poof balls
I believe the world just can't hold down the oriental stallion.Every other day one comes across reports of wildlife poaching in the Indian subcontinent. Tigers were already being targeted all over the country. Rhinos are the latest additions to the ever increasing list of endangered species being pushed to extinction.In almost all the cases the supply of the contraband is destined for the Chinese medicine market. In this traditional Chinese medicine system animal parts are largely used for making aphrodisiacs. China must acknowledge its title of being the most populous country to the Indian tigers! Still the dragon doesn't seem to be satiated and wildlife's being lost to keep its loins from drying up. India's always tried to resolve issues and conflicts through peaceful means.In this case if our Chinese neighbors feel the need, I'am sure our youth will be more than eager to help.Bible says "love thy neighbor as thyself" and here we won't mind saying-"love thy neighbor's wife as thyself"!! So all our "chini" brethren need to do is open there eyes a bit more to other options and do something to spare the endangered species.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Nation's in the pink of health??
Recently had the opportunity to visit one of the best known hospitals in the city : Max Healthcare.The medical facilities and services provided are indeed state of art and best.However considering the 70% of Indians who live below poverty line, certain non medical "facilities" seemed unnecessary and vain. A glimpse into this hospital cum hotel:
Few of the numerous pictures lining the walls of a gallery may put many modern art gallerias' to shame..
Patients need medical expertise not marble flooring where humble tiles would have been equally hygienic.
The city is bogged down with power cuts,the central air conditioning here seems frivolous.
These are a very few snaps I could manage before the security staff started frowning. I regret not having captured the junk food chain Subway outlet provided on the ground floor along with Cafe Coffee Day.It's interesting how market can be developed out of sickness as well. I wish these icons of a booming healthcare industry become more considerate towards the underprivileged and the uninsured(both insurance and healthcare seem to be symbiotic). At least they could have a cut on this splurge and instead open up a OPPD(outdoor poor patient department) ward. After all the recent healthcare bill passed by the government proclaims an equal right to health for all which I believe the "creamy" layer won't mind to trade off with their right to universal luxury.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Rise of Red....a Reason for us to be Red Faced..
What picture do you conjure in mind when you hear the word 'maoist' or 'naxal'?Is it some creature in fatigues and a red bandana who jumps from behind the bush brandishing a Kalashnikov? He can't appreciate the sleek features of your iPhone or tell apart that authentic Gucci from a fake yet he's also a citizen of India or maybe a Bharatwasi as you can call him.This gun toting native seems to be living in intense obscurity shunning away these fruits of a shining India.To say that the state never bothered would be unjust, the state did try to "develop" him and his community.They brought industries to color the skies and rivers black.Dams were built to supply power to the hungry and deprived.Employment was also given to them as laborers because they weren't skilled enough to survive in the corporate jungle.Lush greenery was transformed into systematic grey of mines and steel.The asthma and bronchitis were the added bonuses that most of the workers shared.Hence the effort has been very commendable indeed,only it made these people more anguished.The lines of their thought and ours seem to be meeting at infinity and the gap is increased when we take into account the benignity shown by our corrupt officials and politicians in matters of rehabilitation and environment protection.If only we had reached out and lend them a ear.This bharatwasi is not here to propound some theory of Mao or Lenin or Marx in the state politics.In fact he's not educated enough to circumspect their implications.I believe he doesn't even care also for who stood for what. All he needs is his forest to sustain his community.He needs relinquishment from the atrocities by state protectors turned perpetrators.He doesn't even need food or wealth as he says nature takes well care of those requirements.However some education in nature conservation and basic healthcare won't go unheeded.Unfortunately this humble being ends up at the hands of some bigoted egoists who readily place guns in hands begging for food.People struggling to make ends meet end up in a protracted armed struggle against the state.It is these people the tribals that suffer the most in the war between the state and those against it.
Tiger tiger burning bright
It's exasperating to see the headlines of internationally acclaimed media houses like BBC announcing "developments" in the Tiger Woods "scandal" everyday.I fail to understand how much involved the earthlings of our gen i are ready to get in totally irrelevant news regarding someone's private life.The icing on the cake comes when you see guilt ridden face of Mr.Woods as if he was caught stealing balls from a golf course.The media seems to have found a new fetish in sniffing around celebrity bedrooms.The latest victims were the French prez Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife.Woods prowess in his game was the root of all his fame and now people seem to have lost track of that and are busy counting his mistresses.It's ironical how a Roman Polanski was left all alone to pursue his artistic exploits and win accolades in spite of being proven guilty in a child abuse case.Media seems to be losing touch with its congenital responsibility of being a social thought reformer and is instead turning into a gossip monger.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The rose...
Once there was a blossom
in a greenhouse much alive
where life seemed to thrive
but was naively playing possum
started as a bud in pure white
in that sunlit creche it used to hover
peering shyly from its green cover
quivering with curiosity and delight
staring at the clouds fading yonder
soon the time came to be mellow
and the bud bloomed bright yellow
why the bees sing it used to wonder
morning came with greeting dew
butterflies dancing averted to think
made it smile in a healthy pink
rustling away the time flew
the breeze spread a scent of change
with it's furnace of passion fed
the rose turned into a fiery red
unaware it was that life's strange
youth had come with a virtue ominous
and all one saw was that thorn
this made it stand much forlorn
amid primroses and lilies so pompous
sent hurtling into an abyss of gloom
so plagued by this public slack
it settled in a ravenous black
starkly stood serenading for doom
the gardener pitying this plight
cut and shifted it to a cistern
to place it in his moonlit tavern
here it found peace in the night.
in a greenhouse much alive
where life seemed to thrive
but was naively playing possum
started as a bud in pure white
in that sunlit creche it used to hover
peering shyly from its green cover
quivering with curiosity and delight
staring at the clouds fading yonder
soon the time came to be mellow
and the bud bloomed bright yellow
why the bees sing it used to wonder
morning came with greeting dew
butterflies dancing averted to think
made it smile in a healthy pink
rustling away the time flew
the breeze spread a scent of change
with it's furnace of passion fed
the rose turned into a fiery red
unaware it was that life's strange
youth had come with a virtue ominous
and all one saw was that thorn
this made it stand much forlorn
amid primroses and lilies so pompous
sent hurtling into an abyss of gloom
so plagued by this public slack
it settled in a ravenous black
starkly stood serenading for doom
the gardener pitying this plight
cut and shifted it to a cistern
to place it in his moonlit tavern
here it found peace in the night.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Godman
Prancing around those eyes shining bright
is it wisdom or the luster of malice
if you are a sheep lost in this vast sprawl
he'll show a way for your spirit to crawl
in case you're reluctant 'cos of a black fleece
he'll get you sheared clean safely in peace
for those of you innocent in white
he'll find a cause for you to fight
Lambs who are as always docile
take the noble path so beguile
blow em selves to get even
with others of the same coven
If you think straight well that's a vice
anyway he can solicit at a price
he may also like to keep it gay
ultimately to err is human they say
I wonder how the shepherd absolves
these rottweiler turned into wolves
wiser it is to seek the morning star
that's the same for whoever you are
is it wisdom or the luster of malice
if you are a sheep lost in this vast sprawl
he'll show a way for your spirit to crawl
in case you're reluctant 'cos of a black fleece
he'll get you sheared clean safely in peace
for those of you innocent in white
he'll find a cause for you to fight
Lambs who are as always docile
take the noble path so beguile
blow em selves to get even
with others of the same coven
If you think straight well that's a vice
anyway he can solicit at a price
he may also like to keep it gay
ultimately to err is human they say
I wonder how the shepherd absolves
these rottweiler turned into wolves
wiser it is to seek the morning star
that's the same for whoever you are
Monday, March 1, 2010
Happy Holi!!!
Come Ram come Rahim
bring along Joe and Goldstien
too cold a winter it's been
amass naked O! progeny of the Sire
come on blokes let's light up a fire
The spring is in full sheen
Nature revelling in all the hues
It's high time we shed our blues
mingle and compel Satan to admire
come on blokes let's light up a fire
Wink at the bearded and tonsured
their books lost the teachings with time
together we celebrate with a song divine
tear 'em up and toss into the pyre
come on blokes let's light up a fire
Hop over here we're broiling something green
relax a bit and take a smooth toke
you see life's just a veil of smoke
in the moment forget your being and desire
come on blokes let's light up a fire
No need to rush at a summit
seeing those fumes so innocuous
to the callous harm done in sumptuous
it's union with our souls that we aspire
come on blokes let's light up a fire
Friday, February 26, 2010
An ode to a lady
Don't mistake me for a ruffian
loose on the street to abuse
what I seek is a mystic oblivion
in the arms of my muse
Being here they say I breach traditions
Is it wrong to seek to love sans conditions
She's no bimbo with the attitude
won't take you for some dumb
if you choose to stay numb
yet fuels passions to a new altitude
Tabooed as a woman of virtues at ease
by a world marching blind
into a mire of money and sleaze
unladen this girth from my mind
Blending into that plastic mirth
unveiled a child with an innocence
shattered by unsparing providence
convicted for an unjust birth
Lingering on those eyes so listless
I see many hopes and dreams
vaulted behind mascara and creams
well pursed lips hold much distress
Unfettered the Pegasus soars
mesmerized by this slender lark
landing on those blissful shores
here nothing's bright nothing's dark......
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Some Chaaat....
The ship's been through stormy seas
All the cautions thrown to the doldrums
Tipsy I try to chart the course
with no shore in near sight
It seems he plans too long a night
but why crave for the day
when this charming night's holding all sway
the glistening stars with their enchanting patterns
guide my voyage to a destination not known
The day with it's fat old Sun
ushers a longing to run
without catching my breath
to a place where all's as sure as death
Groggy I take a swig of rum
A subtle note strikes a chord somewhere
and I released from the glum
realize that day or night don't deserve the heed
A beckoning call from the captain's all I need
So Aye Aye Captain!!
Here this mariner humbly stands
this voyage needs nothing but your steady hands........
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